Did 15k mid afternoon today. Starting to warm up. It was 4 C today. I intended to do 25k today and tomorrow but didn't, obviously. Unfortunate, but its done so can't really take it back now can I. Try again tomorrow.
Blood sugar again about 265, 2u of humulog, 125 at the finish.
The run itself was good, fairly smooth, good pace, no real issues to speak of regarding the legs. The hills did start to get me in the last mile but I don't know if that was just getting it over with or actual tired. Should find that out tomorrow when the long run is done. However this long run is only 25k.
At this point I feel strong but am beginning to think about pace and strategy for Ireland. The information I have is water every 5 miles until we get to 13.1 miles and then we joint the marathon group and at 26.2 we join the 1/2 marathon group. Two things here. One, there should be ample water, I'll bring my own GU and Snickers. Two, alot of people to run through, around? Is this a good thing or bad? Interesting.
Initial strategy: 8:00 to 8:15 for as long as I can hold it. If I did hold it that is between 5:15 and 5:24 total.
Secondary: to do that I must find a group of people doing that pace. There should be around 150 people doing the Ultra, need to stick with them if I find them.
I intend to see what the legs have in them tomorrow and that will be the last thing over 15k that I do.
As they say, after that it will be "in the can" but I won't be done.
The ups and downs of running in unfamiliar territory with Type 1 Diabetes and working with the four noble truths.
If we really want to get rid of suffering, completely and totally, then clinging has to go. The spiritual path is never one of achievement; it is always one of letting go. The more we let go, the more there is empty and open space for us to see reality. Because what we let go of is no longer there, there is the possibility of just moving without clinging to the results of the movement. As long as we cling to the results of what we do, as long as we cling to the results of what we think, we are bound, we are hemmed in. Meditating on No-Self: A Dhamma Talk (Edited for Bodhi Leaves), by Sister Khema(1994)
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