If we really want to get rid of suffering, completely and totally, then clinging has to go. The spiritual path is never one of achievement; it is always one of letting go. The more we let go, the more there is empty and open space for us to see reality. Because what we let go of is no longer there, there is the possibility of just moving without clinging to the results of the movement. As long as we cling to the results of what we do, as long as we cling to the results of what we think, we are bound, we are hemmed in. Meditating on No-Self: A Dhamma Talk (Edited for Bodhi Leaves), by Sister Khema(1994)

Friday, March 9, 2012

Back in, and back on

Got back at it 20 hours after the last run.  Went 15k.  Time was pretty close to yesterday.  Pain was minimal and there is some niggles in the knees, but after easing into it things went nicely.

Blood sugar 263 to start, 3u Humulog, 126 at the end.

Read a great article by AJW on irunfar.com and tried to write back to him about my experience.  I think the article was timely for me.  I realized that I've come a long way with the previous injuries and overcoming the diabetes.   I also received some nice words from my father regarding the training and I think it is time to start thinking about a race plan now.  Just the beginnings. 

It is all a matter of how much you want to hurt in the end :)

Back into it, back on form, at least for today.


  1. You're comments remind me so much of Steve Prefontaine who once said; "Someone may beat me, but they are gonna have to bleed to do it."

    I'm not sure if you have ever heard of Pre, if not you should really google him. He is such an inspiration.

    1. Hi Bree:

      Oh yeah, I know Pre, seen both movies, watched him run as a child in the Munich Olympics. We have a race in my hometown called the Prefontaine Classic, it is a 5k brutal trail run.
